2 Review the Shannon-weaver Models Seven Key Components

Advice in the 21st century-which model explains information technology all-time?

There are many dissimilar advice models, some of which are already very old, but which have nevertheless retained their validity in the age of modern, digital advice. In some cases, they have even gained in importance when information technology comes to developing an optimal communication concept for internal and external corporate advice.
Just which communication model is the best? Is at that place even a all-time communication model? Nosotros have devoted ourselves to this question and examined the best known advice models for their transferability to today's world. The focus is on usability as a footing for external and internal corporate communication.

Cadre aspects of the best-known communication models

The best known communication models are the transmitter-receiver model according to Shannon & Weaver, the 4-ear model according to Schulz von Thun and the iceberg model according to Watzlawick. In the post-obit, nosotros have summarized for y'all the core statements backside the models and how this affects communication in modern times.

Transceiver model after Warren Weaver & Claude E. Shannon (1940)

The model is a media effectiveness model, every bit it considers the external affect of linguistic communication and provides solutions for optimisation. The communication model, also known as the Shannon Weaver model , was developed as early as 1940 and has been continuously developed and taken up e'er since. The core statement is as follows:

  • Communication always includes sender and receiver
  • Sender and receiver decode codes of advice in their own manner.
  • If the code differs from verbal and non-exact aspects, misunderstandings and conflicts can occur.

The classical model, however, lacks social aspects such equally motivation, interpersonal relationships and recipient feedback. This makes information technology less flexible and less able to draw modernistic advice and give recommendations for activeness. Nevertheless, the core idea of an individual communication lawmaking that can be changed and adapted is very interesting.

The 4-ear model after Schulz von Thun (2000)

The four-page model, every bit it is also called, is a then-called functional model of advice. It explains the essential functions that communication fulfils and clarifies the four different chatty levels at which communication ever takes place. The levels or channels are:

  1. Factual level
  2. Self barung level
  3. Relationship level
  4. Appeal level

In the transmission of messages, information or content, other levels play a part in addition to the purely verbal level, which is responsible for the factual content, which are sometimes subconsciously included. They are too subconsciously received by the recipient. The interface to the advice codes from the sender-receiver model is therefore obvious.

The relationship level in particular plays an important role here, because how what is said is perceived depends directly on the relationship between sender and receiver. If it is negative, statements are unconsciously evaluated more than negatively, for example. Information technology is then virtually impossible for the broadcaster to convince the audition. At the same time as well the Apellebene (which wants to achieve the transmitter of the information) as well as the self revelation (which says the spoken out over the transmitter) play direct into the style in which the information is understood past the receiver or the receivers.

In both internal and external corporate communications, this model can make a decisive contribution to making data that is not just numbers, data or facts more than target group-specific, personal and emotional. This increases motivation, credibility, openness and loyalty.

The iceberg model afterward Watzlawik

The iceberg model is an interpersonal model, because it tries to explain the influence of non-verbal aspects on communication. The model straight incorporates the idea of Sigmund Freud's levels of consciousness. Paul Watzlawik speaks of only x – 20% of the advice that is transmitted via the factual level. The remaining up to ninety% fall on the relationship level and are therefore not-verbal. Therefore the said plays only a subordinated role, if it is not adapted with the relation level, the kind, how something is said and also on the receiver of the message. The iceberg model can be used to create a wonderful link between the 4-ear model and the transmitter-receiver model, considering the entire relationship level can be understood as a lawmaking in the sense of the transmitter-receiver model, which is besides reflected in the four-page model.

In this way, the model can provide an understanding of how important other levels are besides pure factual information that are played with what is said.

Which of the models is best for improving corporate communications?

In principle, all three models are very similar on closer inspection, as they have intersections in the manner communication is viewed. Although none of the models is able to describe communication with all its facets, interesting aspects can be derived from the dissimilar models which should be considered in modern corporate advice in lodge to build up a successful communication concept in the company. The question of which model is the best advice model can therefore all-time be answered in this way:

The combination of the core aspects of different communication models offers the greatest potential for improving external and internal corporate advice.

Ideally, you should develop your own communication concept based on the cognition you can proceeds from the models, which is individually tailored to your company. To this end, one tin can ask oneself which findings are particularly relevant for companies.

Corporate Meeting in einem Büro. "Was ist das beste Kommunikationsmodell?"

Importance of communication models for external corporate communication

In public relations and marketing, a successful communication concept plays a decisive function for the sustained success of the visitor and for its presence on the marketplace. The following axioms, which can exist derived from the advice models, should therefore be taken into business relationship when developing a communication concept for external corporate advice:

  • Channel reduction must be compensated: Advice takes place beyond the subject level on further levels or channels. Channel reduction , every bit is the case with modern media, can therefore lead to misunderstandings.
  • The relationship level must be addressed: In an age in which more than and more written communication is taking place, emotional content such every bit moving images, explanatory videos or visual content in general is becoming increasingly important for external communication.
  • Speeches and appeals become dialogues: Digital media have made it possible for anyone to become a communicator and content creator. Direct communication and customer feedback are playing an increasingly fundamental role instead of advertisement phrases. Everyone wants and should be heard.

These guidelines consequence directly from the fact that communication is more than just the spoken or written give-and-take. All the communication models mentioned to a higher place ultimately come to this conclusion. Since digital transmission of information via channels such every bit social media, e-mails or even content on websites over many years has resulted in practically only written content being communicated, an underrepresentation of the other levels (in addition to the subject area level) has resulted.

This is called channel reduction. As a consequence, people have get more than receptive to emotional content. Moving images, successful animations, which are based on the corporate philosophy and carry it with them, are a tried and tested ways of attracting attention and building up an open, honest and feedback-oriented dialogue culture. This tin can too exist empirically proven. A study by Coolerinsights has shown that the conversion rate of websites can be increased by upwardly to 85% by switching from pure text and image-based content to moving images. Every company must be aware of this fact.

Importance of communication models for internal corporate communication

For internal communication, too, important findings can be derived from the combination of the diverse advice models.

  • No over-digitization: Mod communication tools in companies should be balanced. A distinctive culture of dialogue and directly communication must never be abolished by too many tools.
  • Speak the same linguistic communication: This is not only meant literally. Rather, it is crucial that data and content are not misunderstood. The same code is therefore decisive. The human relationship level plays a decisive role hither. Communication must also take place at eye level across departments and hierarchies. Every member of the company should be able to participate in open up, honest and straight dialogues.
  • Internal to external: Communication within the company should be so open up that it can be excluded that members of the organisation receive important data about third parties and not from internal corporate advice. Otherwise this leads to a breach of trust, which in plough amercement the communication concept in the company.

Applying old concepts to new media

Although many principles of communication have been known for many years, companies seem to increasingly accept the feeling that they no longer utilize today because advice has changed then much. Constant availability, ever faster changes, an increase in written communication and a flood of information are only some of the things that have shaped recent years thanks to smartphones, broadband Internet and digitisation.

What is crucial, however, is that man communication has non fundamentally changed. We are only indifferent to certain content. Nevertheless, this is a normal filter reaction resulting from the flood of data. Here, information technology is important to focus precisely on the principles of communication and to focus increasingly on the development of a distinctive communication culture. This begins with an open internal corporate communication, ranges from an intensified dialogue at heart level to a target-group-oriented approach, from the relationship level to an active error and feedback civilisation.

Advice models that accept served for years every bit skilful support in explaining human advice and avoiding communication errors are becoming increasingly of import in today's globe and are by no means outdated.

Individual communication models for digital transformation

Every company should develop an individually tailored communication concept. This is beyond question. In the course of this, it makes sense to develop a communication model at the same time that describes the communication in the company. In this fashion, potential confusing factors can be identified and countermeasures can be taken before negative effects arise.

Such a model could, for example, check diverse channels used in the company for internal and external communication according to the communication concept for their suitability for an optimised dialogue culture. At the same time, consideration could be given to how nether-represented channels and levels such as the relationship level can be strengthened in gild to institute a residue and a compatible linguistic communication based on the corporate civilisation.

An individual communication model is a very

adept complement to the communication concept.

Since communication concepts for corporate communication by and large relate nigh exclusively to content and channels, the development of a advice model tin can help to bank check the suitability of the concept. Here, findings from existing communication models can exist incorporated and linked with the new findings, contents and technologies of the communication concept. In this way it can be ensured that advice does not go out of hand, but is based on quondam knowledge and findings. This approach avoids typical errors such as keeping unused digital communication tools or using unsuitable channels for certain information.

Our recommendation in this context is to also pattern the communication concept in an agile way and to check the actual suitability once more and again via iterations. New findings and collected data should be used to review the concept and to make improvements.

For convenience purposes this post has been translated automatically.


Source: https://cleverclipstudios.com/en-ch/blog/whats-the-best-communication-model/

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