Which Light Bulbs Emit Blue and Red Color Waves for Marijuana

Learning about the science of light is valuable for better cannabis harvests.

As you gain the technical skills in other areas of indoor growing, you'll also need to head back to science class to cover the basics of the light spectrum.

Yes, cannabis needs light to grow, but do you know what kind of light?

No matter what type of lighting fixture you rely on, whether that's LED or HPS, you should know how to manipulate the rainbow of colors.

Each color band of light plays an important role in growing cannabis

Today we are going to answer what is the best light spectrum for cannabis.

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What is a Light Spectrum?

The visible light spectrum falls between 380 nm to 750 nm (nanometers).

This is the spectrum that we as humans can see, but plants use an even broader spectrum of light for photosynthesis.

Plants can 'see' ultraviolet wavelengths to infrared, and everything in between.

In normal outdoor growing conditions, the light spectrum shifts subtly through the seasons.

From spring into fall, the light shining on plants determines how they grow.

As the seasons changes, plants are triggered to enter into vegetative and then flowering stages of production.

Harnessing the Power of Light for Indoor Operations

As an indoor grower, you must step up and replace the sun's rays with a light spectrum of your creation.

With the available grow lights on the market today, this doesn't have to be as hard as you think.

To make it even easier, check out this THCoverdose.com guide on grow lights.

What does take time to understand is how each color of light, from blue to red to ultraviolet, effects your marijuana.

Understanding what colors trigger which stages of growth, and what characteristics are a critical tool to indoor growing.

Do you know what type of light triggers the flowering stage?

Can light influence final cannabinoid content?

Scientists have uncovered many ways through which micromanaging light influences a plants development.

What is the Best Light Spectrum for Cannabis?

While cannabis requires a full spectrum of light to flourish, it relies on some colors more than others.

Researchers and experienced growers, through extensive experimentation, now understand that blues, reds, and ultraviolets are some of the most central wavelengths.

Applied strategically through the full lifecycle of the plant, certain colors improve growth, boost bud development, and improve cannabinoid content.

Other wavelengths are less understood, including greens and oranges, but with more study, they may also prove beneficial for influences different cannabis characteristics.

What are the Effects of Blue Lights?

Introducing blue wavelengths to your grow room triggers vegetative growth.

It mimics the sun's light during the spring and summer seasons when the sun is closer to the earth, and more blue light penetrates through the atmosphere.

Blue encourages plants to stop stretching out in search of it.

Instead, it encourages cannabis to start bushing out.

With blue light, your cannabis no longer has to waste any energy growing taller and lankier.

Instead, it can focus on outward growth and producing more leaves.

Bushier plants absorb more light, and therefore produce more energy through photosynthesis.

What are the Effects of Red Lights?

The red light spectrum comes in handy as you enter into the flowering stage of growth.

Introduce red light to boosts bud development.

Again, this essentially mimics the natural seasonal changes in the sun's available light spectrum.

As cannabis plants reach peak photosynthesis during the later stages of life, it requires light on the red end of the spectrum.

During the fall, as cannabis typically enters into flowering stage, the sun starts to move farther away from the earth.

That means more red light is available to the plants, exactly when they start fruiting.

As cannabis plants reach peak photosynthesis during the later stages of life, it requires light on the red end of the spectrum.

Are There Any Other Colors to Know About?

The other colors required to grow perfect cannabis are less understood.

However, some experts believe that ultraviolet light helps boost cannabinoid content.

In particular, THC content.

Thankfully, many LED light fixtures come already equipped with the specific grow lights for UVB light waves.

Another new exciting development is the theory behind green wavelengths.

New reports are surfacing that suggest when applied correctly, and in the right period of growth, green light also plays a significant role in bud development.

Even the most basic understanding we have today about the reds and blues is complicated.

The best way to see for yourself just how much effect the light spectrum has on growth is through a real-life experiment.

What Light Fixtures Provide the Best Light Spectrum

LED lighting technology has come along way in a short amount of time.

While it has historically struggled with intensity, when compared to other types of grow lights, its quickly catching up.

Today, especially for those with a higher budget, high quality LED grow lights support the most diverse and adjustable spectrum of light.

Some LEDs adapt to the light recipe of your choosing, simply with the flick of a switch.

Other, less efficient types of grow lights, like HPS lights, are effective mainly due to their sheer intensity.

However, because they often run hot, they also often run into the infrared.

If you are still interested in HPS as an option check out this guide: thcoverdose.com/best-hps-bulbs-for-growing/


So, what is the best light spectrum for cannabis?

Well, that depends on the stage that the plants are in.

When your plants are in the vegitative stage, make sure to get them plenty of blue light to boost plant growth and make them bushier.

Once you are ready to switch the lights to 12 on 12 off, you need to start introducing your plant to red light wave lengths.

This will tell the plant to crank up bud production!

A lot of manufactures of LED lights now have switch that do this for you!


Source: https://thcoverdose.com/what-is-the-best-light-spectrum-for-cannabis/

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